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Coaching, workshops, groups and writing to bring about change: 

for career, for business and for LIFE!


A Little About Me

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In life there are times in which we encounter a "defining moment". Such moments need to be respected and heeded to.


In May 2003, I had such a moment. I decided to take responsibility for my professional life. It was a defining moment, a moment when all the dilemmas that had plagued me till then no longer seemed important. These were the days of the second Intifada in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and a very difficult thought preoccupied me in a most unsettling way. The thought was that if I would have the great misfortune of ending up a victim of one of these terrible terrorist attacks, and my number would be up…what would end up being carved into my gravestone? And the answer that came up for me? "Ronnie Dunetz- really knew how to look for work." It was an alarming thought. I was then just 44 years old and felt that I had missed something big, I had missed boarding some train that I should have been on. I feared that I had completely missed living to my full potential. Although I was pretty good at what I did back then – working as a business development manager at a biotechnology company - I knew it was not the right direction for me.


At this point I discovered, by chance, the world of coaching. I found and hired a coach who helped me cross the bridge of the career and life transition that awaited me. The coach knew how to plant in me the belief that "Yes! I can!", who ignited the passion within me to make good on what was brewing within and waiting to come out. The process propelled me way forward along my path. I entered one of the earliest coach-training courses in Israel, volunteered to coach five times more than was required of me in training, so that I could honestly ascertain the value I was giving others. It had taken me much longer to arrive at the point of fulfillment, I had traveled long and far, at times in circles, through five countries, various occupations, but I had arrived. I had arrived to the place where I was always "meant to be." My professional, cross-cultural, life and business experience to date had all suddenly become different types of preparation for what I now saw and felt was my main purpose in life and work.


Today, after having having worked as a coach with hundreds of clients around the globe for thousands of hours, I know that what is most critical for a person is to learn, develop and act on his internal vision for himself. I see my place as that of a catalyst, that "partner" who can help people take that vision and help it come about by creating commitment, purpose, planning, perseverance and authentic and determined action. 

My name is Ronnie Dunetz, I am married and father to two wonderful children, live and work from Kadima in the Sharon region of Israel. I would be thrilled to hear from you and explore how I might be of service to you. How I might carry the torch of your commitment even when the going may seem to be getting rough. You are invited to make contact with me, I offer a compementary intro phone call of 30 minutes- no charge and no commitment necessary. Let's check out together what you need to get to the next level of effective and inspirational change in your life.

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman


All the following services I offer are based on the knowledge and experience I have accumulated over many years of experience, study and working with people.


Personal coaching for career, business and life 


My extensive experience as a coach over the last 15 years has taught me one clear rule: Professional Coaching is one of the most powerful and effective approaches to creating positive change for an individual in any area of his/her life! In other words, if you are indeed "serious" about making good on the change you wish to bring about, invest in yourself and the project, take a coach, and proceed NOW to making things happen!

"Harvest your Wisdom- over 50"


Over the past century, life expectancy in the West has risen by an average of about 30 years. This has revolutionized how people in their more senior years view their lives and potential, but also points to a major paradox in our world. On the one hand, in many situations, our society relates to 50-75 year olds as being increasingly "irrelevant". On the other hand, this same age group includes some of the most experienced, knowledgeable, wise and talented people on earth! Many are enjoying rich, healthy living, working, volunteering, seeing the world and enjoying every moment. This new era has been named "Second Adulthood", or "The Third Chapter", and it is a period of huge potential for personal and spiritual growth.


I have founded and initiated the ""Harvest your Wisdom over 50"  program to provide a path, tools, community, coaching and workshops to people in their Third Chapter and beyond, who are deeply committed to creating meaningful  personal and spiritual growth at this exciting time of their lives. In doing so, I have leveraged and integrated- and continue to do so- wonderful learning and personal/spiritual wisdom development tools from two reputable US organizations with whom I have trained - Sage-ing International and The Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies.


If you are as excited about this time of life as I am, please do get in touch with me and learn more!

“Understanding and love require a wisdom that comes only with age.”

— Rollo May, American existential psychologist

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Have you ever felt lonely in a business, a job, a career, and wanted to hear feedback, opinions, and ideas from others? The fact of the matter is that most of us would be much more effective, confident, creative and motivated if we had a consistent and safe way to brainstorm and support one another in business, management, organizations or just plain life in general!


That is exactly what the magic of the Mastermind is all about! Mastermind is a conversation like no other, in a secure space that allows you to gain the "wisdom of the crowd" from other experienced and positive professionals as yourself. Mastermind leverages personal knowledge, experience and insights of each member for the benefit of all the participants in the group. What you end up with is better decisions, better strategies, stronger motivation and many more ideas, contacts and plans.


The most successful groups are led by qualified and experienced facilitators in the Mastermind approach. At Mastermind sessions one leaves one's ego "at the door", and the only motivation is to give one's best for each participant. Honesty, listening, respect and creativity are some of the key values here.


For more than 14 years I have facilitated hundreds of people in dozens of groups and events, in businesses, professional, community and private settings.


Sound interesting? Sense the benefits for yourself? Have a topic that you are passionate about getting out there and making things happen? Drop me a line! I will be able to tell you about ongoing groups as well as consider with you how you may create a mastermind group that suits your exact needs and goals.


Your Mastermind awaits you!

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What's Your Story?

We all need a good story. It is the "story" in our business, proposal, interview or brilliant idea that really catches people's attention and makes it stay there. The story needs to be authentic, to touch people emotionally, so they will care, they will remember you and want to connect with you and what you represent for them. The point is to how to find that authentic story, how to nurture and communicate it, how to let it help you grow into where you want to go, be it for an investor pitch, a job interview, a conference or what have you. Stories are very powerful tools.


For the last 20 years I have been living and breathing stories as part of my coaching practice, mastermind facilitation, marketing, writing and social/business initiatives. I love helping others find and thrive with their stories. Give me a call and let us explore how we might do that together for you?

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Do you need help with your writing?

As long as I can remember myself, I have always written. Growing up in an immigrant family in the US, to a father who was always writing something, I was raised bilingually in English and Hebrew, learning to breathe, think talk and write in both languages. The written word always commanded respect in our home.


Today, in the era of social media, it seems that everyone is writing. This may be true, but what is also apparent is that most people do not know what good writing looks like and they are actually missing out quite a bit. There is incredible power in being able to create an incisive and effective message in a world that is suffering from chronic attention deficit.


About a year ago I decided that I wanted to help others in this area as well. To give a name to something that I have been doing for years anyway. Be it helping start-ups or non-profits write to raise money, or entrepreneurs blog to create awareness, or simply create pieces that help people express who they are…I am here, able and willing to help move this goal forward.


So…if you find that you are procrastinating over and over again because you are "stuck" with your writing. Or…you just can't find the time, patience or concentration to "get it right..."


Let's explore who we may be able to do it for you quicker and better- want to give it a try?


"A word after a word after a word is power". Margaret Atwood 

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Looking for a lecture/workshop for your people that will thought-provoke, bring on a few laughs and inspire them all at the same time? Have a look at the following, contact me for more ideas and topics (Languages: English or Hebrew):


Hey Man, It's Time for Change!


As Ben Franklin once said, "When you are finished changing, you're finished." The only thing never changes in life is the act of change itself. This lecture, spiced with humorous stories, contains insights, tools and unconventional knowledge from the spiritual teachings of the Far East as well as pioneering research studies from leading universities around the world. You are invited to sit back, relax and enjoy the rollercoaster of changes which is life itself.


Who Moved my Passion? Passion in work&life for the 21st Century


Have you ever noticed that people who succeed in their private lives, are happy the workplace, thrive and flourish in their relationships and interests, are those folks people who do it with a passion that drives them forward? When passion is lost, we search for it, sometimes even without knowing it, we search for that button that will move it forward. So if you have lost your passion…go out and find it!


Life: It's all a Matter of Perspective…


"We do not see things as they are, we see things the way we are" (Anas Nin).

How can we know if the opinions we have about things really reflect the "full picture"? Perhaps they are just a product of basic assumptions, limiting beliefs and paradigms rooted in our minds from habit and education going way back to our earliest days: "I'm not smart enough," "I don't deserve to succeed", "I don't know how to market myself", "You can't trust anyone", etc. Widening perspectives means seeing, understanding and living more of life as it is.


Why Shouldn't You Use your Left Hand in India?


In the age of the global village, we communicate with everyone everywhere, but…how effective are we in really connecting with people raised and living in very different cultures and places around the world? This lecture will challenge your assumptions by providing true stories, situations and insights that will open your eyes as you laugh and wonder why you never noticed that before… The lecture is ideal for people dealing in international business that is influenced by cultural differences in such areas as relationships, family, friendship, education, decision making and creating vision for the future.

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Ronnie Dunetz, 972-54-665-2818,

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